Our childcare service is committed to providing a happy, relaxed and nurturing environment for children, whilst also encouraging their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. This service caters for children from 6 months to 6 years. The ECCE scheme Early Childhood care and Education programme provides early childhood care and education for preschool children of eligible age. This is free for all families of children who are eligible age for 3-hour sessions. The National Childcare Scheme (NCS) provides financial support for families to help to meet the costs of childcare. This is an income assessed subsidy which parents apply for themselves. The subsidy is paid directly to the childcare provider which then subtracts your subsidy from your childcare bill. We are registered and regulated by TUSLA
If your child attends a Preschool session (ECCE) you will not pay fees. You can calculate your childs ECCE eligibility at:
If your child attends for more than a pre-school session is aged 1-3 years of age and does not qualify for a pre-school session, you will pay fees. These fees depend on your income and the number of days your child attends.
Fees are reduced at Le Cheile FRC Childcare depending on parental income and government subsidy. Fees and government subsidies can be difficult to understand and calculate and are often based on individual circumstances. For full details of current fees please contact Liz or Eileen directly to ensure you can access the maximum subsidy and we will be more than happy to assist you. In addition, further information on government childcare schemes can also be found at:
To Apply Online you need:
To get more information please visit:
Le Chéile FRC is committed to developing a curriculum that creates a child centred, play based environment, which empowers children to actively pursue their own learning. We believe in the rights of the children to express themselves freely and spontaneously. We acknowledge parents / carers as primary educators of their children and encourage them to take an active part in their child’s learning.
We aim to provide a safe and secure learning environment which enables children: To be Confident, happy and healthy To develop a positive sense of whom they are and feel that they are valued and respected as part of a family and community To be confident and competent To be Curious and Creative
Le Cheile FRC is committed to developing a curriculum that creates a child centred, play based environment, which empowers children to actively pursue their own learning. Indoor and Outdoor play is equally important; connecting children to nature is done through actively engaging children in outdoor activities whenever possible. Our Curriculum is play based and follows children’s interests to support their learning and development. This process is facilitated by qualified early years practitioners who provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences. Through observations we build on the children’s interests: these observations form the basis for an emergent curriculum. A balance of child and adult initiated activities are provided and are evaluated regularly. Our daily plan is consistent yet flexible to meet the individual needs of all children
Our Childcare service is design in a way that we attend to every child unique need to meet the fundamental stage of the early year development. Le Chéile FRC provides a number of services which can support families to care for their children in the best possible way so as no child is left behind. To get every child’s life off to the best start we respectfully encourage parents to engage with Le Chéile FRC support services to enhance early childhood development knowledge and skills of all parents and to strengthen and enhance all relationships and environments that are important to children’s development. We promote an inclusive, friendly, supportive and respectful environment of families’ individual needs, enabling everyone to reach their full potential.